The beginning

The wedding 
The Mr and I have just had a amazing wedding, was as every girl wants, the most special day of her life, i had my dream dress, make-up was on point, hair was perfect, it stayed in the whole day. I was so lucky to be able to share it with my two daughters as well. They had beautiful dresses on with fluffy shawls, Didn't really have a theme just a colour, it was navy blue and blush pink. (my dress was blush pink so i had to add it in) i had one bridesmaid as it was easier. she was literally the best as she wore what i said and helped me get into my dress and figure out how to pee. My besties where there, Sarah and Stacy, and they were amazing, as always. Helped me pee once my bridesmaid helped my mum look after the girls, i mean seen every inch of me. (long story but it involves knickers being whipped off for better comfort) :D  Everyone had food, drink (plenty of it) and a good dance. I was a bit worse for wear the day after. :D 
Moving house
A few months later we moved house, closer to my family as I didn’t feel at home in our old house, i missed everything about not being close to my mum and granny. I actually got a house 2 minutes from my granny's house, i couldn’t believe it. we got so lucky with our new home, we got moved in, in one day although there was a lot of decorating to do i didn't mind as we finally felt like things where going our way. My granddad and Stuarts dad helped move the boxes as i got them all emptied and put away. our first night we had take away and movies, after all that we where totally knackered and went to bed. As i was getting into bed i remembered i had bought a clearblue digi cause my period was late. so i took it, and BANG Pregnant...... (Long wait) 1-2 weeks came up. i couldn't believe my eyes. So i showed Stuart he couldn't believe it either. So the next step was too go to the doctors and tell him and get the ball rolling for the midwifes. 
Few months on
We decorated some of the house, mostly downstairs. Got the new floor sorted, kitchen finished, living room nearly, we had done so much in so little time we decided to stop for a while. On this one day i was going through names for the baby i found loads of boys i liked i could barely find girls. Sadly on this day i thought my pregnancy was over, i had started to bleed it was so late at night i waited too morning to ring EPU (early pregnancy unit) i was seen asap they scanned me and there the baby was. Little heart going so fast i couldn't believe it. My mum, granny and Stuarts mum and dad already knew but we where going to wait to tell people until our 12 week scan. So seeing as the scan was good and i only had a few weeks until our 12 week scan we decided to tell family. Didn't put it online or anything just told family. Everyone was excited, and happy in Stuarts family it was the 2nd pregnancy as his sister was expecting in about 15 weeks. So lots of exciting times ahead. Our 12 week scan came round so quick, we couldn't wait i was so glad it was in morning as if it was afternoon id of been going mad waiting. Everything looked good but they couldn't get a good size reading of the baby, so i had to go back a week later. At 12 weeks i was measuring around 10 weeks, so i went back every week for 3 weeks for re scans to work out my due date. They finally settled on one and it was 9th of October. With family history going there every week and thinking my baby isn't growing took its tole on us, we thought the pregnancy was going to go any further and that our baby had died but seeing that little heartbeat each time was amazing and so settling i didn't wanna leave the hospital. So with due date in hand i booked a 17 week scan at a private clinic for a gender scan, and then announced it online for our friends too find out. 
Gender scan 
Everything had gone so well, started showing more and more, no morning sickness, no bad symptoms. I was really enjoying it, the girls knew about the baby and couldn't wait to see if we where having a boy or girl, we all really wanted a boy but with all that had gone on i was glad to have a healthy baby. My mum, granny, Liz, Stuart and girls came with us. it was a lovely sunny day, the sun felt so nice the heat was amazing you knew summer was coming. Got inside for the scan, the girls picked teddies for the heartbeat to go in. Got into the room lay down all the family settled for it to begin. BOOM, there it was HIS bits. On show for all to see, was the first thing we had seen, we all laughed and said well no denying he's a boy. Stuart and I where so happy. We left the clinic and we told everyone it was a baby boy. Everybody was so happy even the girls where happy to have a brother. Nothing could go wrong and there was only 3 weeks until our 20 week scan, until we seen him again, if i could of, id look at him everyday in a scan, i couldn't wait until his first moves. They happened the week after. Felt like little butterflies in my belly, i wasn't sure it was even him moving until i had a big kick one night, and he hasn't stopped since. 


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