
Showing posts from March, 2020

Operation day!!!

6th October  Walking up was difficult, i felt like i hadnt slept in a week. Technically it would of been nearly a week that i hadnt of had a decent sleep. Noahs Operation was to be done early, so we went to hospital early and hadd our last few cuddles before he went, even got to give him his wash. They do it in a red soap its so theres no germs on him and that afterwards theres less risk of infection, so you need to wash every single inch of him well in this red soap. He smlet lovely though. Then we got the go ahead to walk him down to the opertion ward. I held him tight walking them 2 minutes too the door, then give him to the nurse for her to bring him in. Last thing i remeber seeing of him was him dreaming, not having  a clue what was about to happen. We kissed him our last kisses, it could of been our last time we kissed him and hugged him so we made it count. I looked at stuart and he looked like a broken man. I left him to have that moment, as i went to the breast pump...